A couple of weekends ago I attended a circle gathering in London for facilitators. At the end of the day we were asked to think about and share what our intentions were for our circles for the year ahead. I had already been thinking about my personal desire for softness and softening and it landed very clearly for me what I hoped for my circles in 2025. I wrote and shared with my sisters in circle my intention to…
…create a soft place for us to land, in order that we can better rise up in our power
This is not the time for people of conscience to be silent. It’s not the time to be indifferent nor asleep. To quote Martin Luther King Jr., as shared by Cole Arthur Riley recently, “…today our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake…” And it couldn’t be more relevant for the times we find ourselves in again. The Earth and many of our kin are crying out. Leaders wielding the levers of power are doing their best to ignore it to further their own avaricious aims whilst using dangerously divisive and oppressive means to achieve them. If you are someone who hears those cries, believe there’s another way we could be doing things, hope to usher forth a world with love and liberation at its heart, then perhaps this is a soft place where you can wholly be. My hope is that the circles may, in some small way, facilitate us feeling more connected, supported, resourced.
How will we hold each other so that we may better rise up to meet these wild and discombobulating times?
You can also read more about why I am holding circles here in an earlier post.
The next online circle will be taking place next week, Thursday 30th January, coinciding with the new moon and the lunar new year. If you’re a paying subscriber to Radicle you can find the link to book below. I look forward to seeing some of you there.